HEY! What are you doing here?! The meeting room is the other way- This page isn't even done yet. Can't you tell by the construction GIFs I put here to fill the space?
Will you please go back? There is something important for you on the other page. Besides, there's nothing for you here. Click on the stop watch to go back to the previous page. Or just hit return on your browser, I don't really care.
Really, why are you idling on this unfinished page? Honestly, I'm rather offended. I spent quite a bit of time learning HTML coding to make this site! Are you expecting there to be something hidden here? I am literally just making a website to introduce myself. This page was meant to link to other social medias, it's the last page you get to if you'd followed the instructions. I give up! I'll be waiting on the previous page when you've decided you have had enough of this one.